Knott Landfill - Engineering Services
1994 through Present
Client: Deschutes County, Oregon

Description of Work

GFA, as a subcontractor to URS Corporation or David Evans and Associates, has been providing engineering services at the Knott Landfill since 1996. Prior to 1996, Gerry Friesen provided engineering services as the Project Engineer for Harding Lawson Associates.

Services that have been provided include: analysis of development options; preparation of site development plan and landfill operating plan; assistance in obtaining regulatory agency approval for 2 lateral MSW landfill expansions; development of an engineering report which analyzes an alternative liner system, leachate management and surface water control system; preparation of plans and specifications for the construction of Cell 1, 2 and 3; preparation of fill sequencing plans; preparation of a construction quality assurance plan; contract management assistance; and CQA certification.

In 1994, Deschutes County had less than 2 years of remaining disposal capacity at the Knott Landfill. A partnering process was entered into by key representatives from the County, DEQ and the design team. Gerry Friesen led the design team and was responsible for analysis of development alternatives and providing other engineering services that were needed.

Since that time, he has continued to be the lead design engineer as the landfill has been expanded to include 135-acres and state-of-the-art liner systems, landfill gas control systems and a leachate recirculation system. As a result of the projects he has led, Deschutes County now has a landfill that has a remaining site life of 30 years.

Completion Date:
1996 - Present

Timm Schimke
Solid Waste Director Deschutes County