Roosevelt Regional Landfill - Engineering Services
2004 through Present
Client: Allied Waste Services, Inc

Description of Work

GFA has been providing engineering services at the Roosevelt Regional Landfill since 2004.

Services that have been provided include: analysis of development options; preparation of an alternative final cover system analysis; preparation of plans and specifications for the construction of MSW Area 13 and 14; preparation of plans and specifications for the construction of Ash Monofill Stage H and I; preparation of plans and specifications for the construction of a dredge spoil and leachate containment area on top of existing refuse; preparation of fill sequencing plans; preparation of soil management plans; preparation of a construction quality assurance plan; contract management assistance; and CQA certification.

The engineering services that have been provided have included design and construction of over 70 acres of lined MSW and incinerator disposal area. The Civil 3D digital terrain earth models that are being developed by GFA are being sent directly to GPS guided equipment which utilize the models to form subgrades and place drainage layers. Major savings in both time and money are being realized because of this approach.

Completion Date:
2004 thru Present

Art Mains
Environmental Manager
Roosevelt Regional Landfill
(509) 384-5641