Finley Buttes Regional Landfill
Engineering Services - 1999 through Present
Client: Waste Connections, Inc.

GFA has been providing engineering services at the Finley Buttes Regional Landfill since 1999.

Services that have been provided include: analysis of development options; assistance in obtaining regulatory agency approval for a vertical landfill expansion; preparation of site development plan and landfill operating plan; preparation of an alternative liner system analysis; preparation of an alternative final cover system analysis; coordination of an alternative final cover demonstration project performed in conjunction with the EPA; preparation of plans and specifications for the construction of Cell 4b and the landfill's gas collection and control system; preparation of fill sequencing plans; preparation of soil management plans; preparation of a construction quality assurance plan; contract management assistance; and CQA certification.

As part of the engineering services that have been provided, GFA working in conjunction with Waste Connections prepared the design for a 100 million cubic yard vertical expansion to the landfill. The maximum height of the landfill was increased by over 200-feet. Renderings were developed which showed the landfill at completion. Review of the expansion plans included numerous meetings with the DEQ and the public.

Approval for the expansion was received in 2003. At current disposal rates, WCI now has a landfill with over 100 years of remaining disposal capacity.